Sunday, July 26, 2020
The Storm before the Storm (a Repost from almost two years ago)
...but more relevant today.
Conventional wisdom has it that America is on the brink of a civil war...or, is actually in one now. I’ve said this myself many times (actually noting it before it became fashionable) and it would be difficult for any astute observer to not see this to be true to some degree.
In spite of the left’s mock concern that America is entering some extreme right wing dystopia, their most honest appraisals accurately sense that America is back on track to the fonder’s intentions. The left doesn’t like America’s constitution. The left doesn’t like America. They never have. Their goal from the start has been to dismantle the experiment in limited government and the mass-prosperity it produces and replace it with another shot at rule by self-appointed intellectuals.
Those on the left side of America’s current schism would have others believe they represent the forces of “progress” and that they are fighting an emergent right-wing extremism wrought with racism and elements of “fascism.” Of course, none of this is the case.
The “fascism” pointed to by the left, and said to be embodied in America’s Republican party and its current president, is no more than the fairly consistent worldview of a relatively conservative party that seeks primarily to conserve the basic foundations of politics, economics, and culture as they have been for decades, if not centuries. Preserving the constitutional ideals laid out by America’s founders, supporting free speech, and protecting the country’s citizens from mass border-infiltrations is hardly a platform of fascism. It’s not even radical by any sane appraisal.
America’s de’ facto socialist party, the Democrats, have changed dramatically over the last couple of decades. They are now firmly allied with virtually any movement that seeks a radical overhaul of the American system of government and the culture it exists within. Their goal is not to preserve the founding principles of limited government or to work within them, but to destroy even the memory of the nation’s very identity. So it is that statues, lifestyles, culture, and even choices of words must be altered, belittled, or destroyed.
When communist movements (and communist-like movements like the one in France over two centuries ago) seize power, it’s common for them to destroy anything that may remind one of a world before their “revolutionary” arrival — even calendars. In North Korea, time itself is set askew, offset a half hour from the even scale used virtually everywhere else (how “revolutionary”).
The conservative side in the current American civil war merely desires to at least slow down the radical upheaval being forced upon them daily. Their counterparts on the left, at some point, historically morph into an extremist force that seeks to overturn society. By its nature, it is violent, intolerant, and authoritarian. All the cliche’ talking points about “equality and justice” are just means to an end. The end goal is always to seize power. Freedom of thought and expression are major roadblocks to their goal — a socialist planned society under intellectual and pseudo-intellectual “philosopher kings.” What the average leftist in America now seeks is not a moderate stance in a civil war but an authoritarian coup d’ etat. With all their phony allusions of challenging “the man” the contemporary Jacobin merely wants to be “the man” (they would no doubt add, “or woman”).
While many among the left vie for key roles in their spearhead of “change,” their potential success is assisted by a mass of deluded and easily swayed, mostly young people, who really believe that the current order is depriving them of a happy life. Whatever life they currently have, they are more than willing to trade it in for a another historical shot at utopia. If lots of people are persecuted or die in the process, well...they’re “breaking eggs” and “making omelets” again.
If one pays close attention to these people and how their “revolution” typically evolves over time, we can be sure that some of the most mundane politicos of our time will become as ruthless and violent in their cause as their archetype has been in the past. If they are able to seize total power, information outlets like FOX NEWS and the Drudge Report will be outlawed as a danger to “public safety.” Certain politicians and prominent partisans will be arrested. The new leaders will openly call for executions as hordes of “revolutionary” followers cheer them on. If an intelligent observer can’t see the run up to this world gone mad, they’re not paying attention.
‘Sounds extreme, or conspiratorial but there’s a consistent track record among radical behavior during their destruction of civilized and stable societies. Even during the French Revolution, the initial phase saw relatively moderate and sane people seeking to put democratic restraints upon their king. No one was openly calling for new calendars or styles of greeting. At that time, no one could have expected the king being publicly executed and a paranoid threat of death to virtually anyone who failed to say, think, or do “the right thing.” Are we so different today? Would an Antifa thug in Portland or D.C. spare anyone’s life who was not behind their “revolution?”
As with all historical prediction, no one really knows what will happen but, for the near future, I predict that Donald Trump will win reelection and will do so by a reasonable margin. Again, the left and their horde of barbarian followers will “resist” and continue their bogus accusations of “racism” and “fascism.” Well-orchestrated groups of feminists, academic radicals, pampered media idiots, and masses of the blatantly stupid will march aggressively and go for the country’s jugular. The disruption and chaos will be overwhelming. The necessary pushback itself will be excessive. The political spectrum of normal times will break and the pathological elements will float to the surface seizing whatever scraps of power can be found.
It will take at least a generation for many to realize, “we fucked up...bad. Real bad.”
What occurred in America in 1776 and the decades following will never happen again. When the enlightened experiment in self-government is ended, there will be no place to hide from the savages who have dominated the pages of history, and that will be a genuine tragedy for all.